This Weekend – Hip Happening

Looking for a gift for your geeky valentine? I’ll have a booth at the Hip Happening at the Sellwood Masonic Hall this Saturday.

Of course, along with beautifully geeky jewelry and Sewing Electrified kits from Polymath Design Lab, there will be a wide variety of handcrafted goodies from other local artisans. Personally, I’m hoping that the fantastic chocolatier who was there in November shows up again!

Hopping off to the Art Hop!

I’m getting ready to head off the the 11th Annual Alberta Art Hop this morning! Portland’s NE Alberta street will be closed to traffic from 15th to 29th most of the day, instead playing host to tons of incredible artists and crafters, food, music and dance performances, and fun. If you’re in the area, stop by and say hi!

Happy Ada Lovelace Day – Wearable Electronics Edition

Ada Lovelace Day was established last year as an international day of blogging to celebrate the achievements of women in technology and science. If you’re not already familiar with Lady Ada, it’s worth learning more… The daughter of Lord Byron, she worked with Charles Babbage on his analytical engine and wrote the world’s first computer program.

In honor of Lady Ada, I’d like to highlight a handful of the women who inspire me in the world of wearable electronics and soft circuitry.

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